The day-long Life Journey Necklace Workshop arose out of Beverly’s own need to create order from chaos in her 50th year. She was inspired to construct a necklace that symbolized her journey and help her make sense of it.
Imagine Your Life in Beads
Your workshop will be a profound experience facilitated by guided visualization to connect you with the landmark events of your life. Then, in this meditative state, you’ll arrange these events on paper.
Choosing the beads to represent these events is a leisurely process, with time for reflection before assembling your necklace.
Sharing the story of your journey with this small group of participants deepens the experience and is a celebration of your life’s inherent balance—balance which may or may not have been evident until this point.
No beading experience is necessary. Beverly supplies all of the materials and has beads from all over the world—though you might want to bring pieces from your own collection that have special meaning for you.
6 students
9am–5pm, dates on request
$125, materials included
Payment in advance holds your space.
Email Beverly ( to arrange.